Masters Degree in GeoThermics/GeoEnergy
Master GeoThermics/GeoEnergy
The introductory event for the Master GeoThermie/ GeoEnergie will take place in the beginning of october in the lecture hall of Geology.
The Masters Degree in GeoThermics/GeoEnergy is a Joint Degree Programme with TU Munich.
The relevant teaching content is imparted holistically – from the exploration and exploitation up to the use and storage of resources. The modules are offered in a combination of courses overlapping in location and subject:
- Modern Methods of Exploration
- Essentials of Eeservoir Geology and Petrology
- Rock Mechanics, Tectonics and Area of Tension Analysis
- Fundamentals of Drill, Extraction and Energy Techniques
- Business Economics
- Mining/Environmental Law and Civic Involvement
The Masters Degree has a standard length of four semesters.
The latest news from the GeoThermics/GeoEnergy section of the Department of Geology can be found here.
Academic Advice for the Masters Degree in GeoThermics/GeoEnergy
Prof. Dr. Harald Stollhofen
Schlossgarten 5, 91054 Erlangen
Consultation by appointment via e-mail.
- Curriculum Vitae
- School Leaving Certificate (Abitur, A-levels, etc.)
- Bachelor’s Degree Certificate §40 subject-specific Examination Regulations (Certificate, Transcript of Records, Diploma Supplement or comparable documents)
The Masters in GeoThermics/GeoEnergy at FAU begins in winter semester.
The application for the qualification assessment centre must be submitted by the middle of July to start in the upcoming winter semester.
An average grade of 2.5 is required for admission. Applicants with a grade between 2.5 and 3.5 require a selection interview.
Programme for the Masters Degree in GeoThermics/GeoEnergy (German)
Flyer for the Masters in GeoThermics/GeoEnergy (German)
Subject-specific Examination Regulations for the Masters Degree in GeoThermics/GeoEnergy (German)
The Master’s degree programme geosciences prepares for the work in industrial enterprises, engineering offices, authorities and comparable establishments. The Master’s degree programme lays the foundation for the doctoral studies.
- A Master’s Thesis in the Master’s degree programme Geosciences can be assigned by all full-time professors and habilitated full-time workgroup heads at the GeoZentrum Nordbayern.
- The students have to ensure that they get a topic for their Master’s Thesis. Topic and date of issue have to be confirmed by the supervisor and registered by the student with the added formular at the examinations office.
- The period for the production of a Master’s Thesis is not allowed to be longer than 6 months (an extension of max. 3 months can be allowed by the examination board in wellfounded exceptional cases).
- The Master’s Thesis should be up the rules of scientific publishing and contain the chapters Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, poss. Conclusion, Discussion and a list of the References (guideline by the examination board).
- The Master’s Thesis has to be written in German or can be written in English with approval of the supervisor.
- For the title page of the thesis a model title page has to be used.
- The Master’s Thesis has to be handed in at the examination office to the date of issue in three casebounded copies as well in maschine-parsable, electronic form (PDF document on external data storage device) together with the Erklärung des Studierenden zur Offenlegung (declaration of disclosure) and the BAföG-Erklärung (declaration on Federal Law on Support in Education).
- The Selbständigkeitserklärung (statement of authorship) has to be incorporated in the Master’s Thesis as well.
- Two copies of the thesis will be forwarded to the reviewers by the examination office for review.
- The review of the Master’s Thesis will be done in equal parts by the supervisor and another reviewer. The examination board orders all full-time professors and habilitated full-time work group heads at the GeoZentrum Nordbayern. (possible grades: 1.0 /1.3/1.7/2.0/2.3/2.7/3.0/3.3/3.7/4.0/5.0 = inadequate).
The text above is only an excerpt of the General Examination Regulations for the Bachelor’s degree programme Geosciences (BSc) and the Master’s degree programmes Geosciences (MSc) and GeoThermics/GeoEnergy (MSc). You will find all further guidelines and rules for the Master’s degree programme Geosciences and the Master’s Thesis in the document.
Latest version: February 2016