Geoscience Minor (Masters)
Geoscienes as a minor
The GeoZentrum Nordbayern offers geosciences as a minor subject for master students of other study programs at FAU. The courses we offer as well as module descriptions are listed below.
Geography Master’s students can take 5 or 10 ECTS credits in elective Geoscience modules. All lectures are held in German.
The minor consists of following modules:
(1) AG-F2 Georisiken / Modellierung (Geohazards / Modelling) (2 SWS / 3 SWS, 2.5 ECTS): A or B can be chosen from this module.
A) Georisiken und Massenbewegungen (Geohazards and Mass Movements)
- or
B) 3D Modellierung (3D Modelling)
(2) AS-V1 Angewandte Sedimentologie (Applied Sedimentology) (2SWS, 2.5 ECTS)
(3) PG-V1 Magmastismus und Plattentektonik (Magmatism and Plate Tectonics) (2 SWS, 2.5 ECTS)
(4) PG-F2 Vulkanologie (Volcanology ) (2 SWS, 2.5 ECTS)
Two modules can be taken for 5 ECTS, or all for for 10 ECTS. Modules can be attended in the 1st and 3rd semester.
Biology Master’s students can earn 7.5 ECTS credits in the Geoscience minor. The minor contains of two modules from the department of “Palaeobiology”
Geoscience as a Minor in Biology
Module Description for the Masters in Palaeobiology
For students of the Data Science Masters we provide the following modules:
Exercise: Analytical Palaeobiology (5 ECTs), SoSe
More information can be found here.
Seminar: Models in palaeobiology and phylogenetics (2,5 ECTs), SoSe
More information can be found here.
Exercise: Models in palaeobiology and phylogenetics (2,5 ECTs), SoSe
More information can be found here.
Exercise: Reef System Research (2,5 ECTs), WiSe
More information can be found here.
Lecture: Reef System Research (2,5 ECTs), WiSe
More information can be found here.