Examination Regulations, Downloads and Evaluation
General Information Material
Bachelors and Masters Degree in Geoscience at FAU (German)
Masters Degree in GeoThermics/GeoEnergy (German)
Masters Degree in Palaeobiology
Additional Course: Geoscience for Teaching (German)
Information Brochures
Geoscience: Bachelor of Science (German)
Geoscience: Master of Science (German)
GeoThermics/GeoEnergy: Master of Science (German)
Examination regulation Bachelors and Masters Degree in Geoscience (German)
Starting from winter semester 2020/2021
Examination regulation Bachelors and Masters Degree in Geoscience (German)
Starting from winter semester 2019/20
Examination regulation Bachelors and Masters Degree in Geoscience (German)
General Examination Regulations for the Bachelors Degree in Geoscience (BSc), Masters Degree in Geosciences (MSc) and GeoThermics/GeoEnergy (MSc) (German)
Starting from winter semester 2017/18
Examination regulation Bachelors and Masters Degree in Geoscience (German)
Examination regulation Masters Degree GeoThermics/GeoEnergy (German)
General Examination Regulations for the Bachelors Degree in Geoscience (BSc), Masters Degree in Geosciences (MSc) and GeoThermics/GeoEnergy (MSc)
Starting from winter semester 2016/17
Examination regulation Bachelors and Masters Degree in Geosciences (German)
General Examination regulation for the Bachelors and Masters Degree in Geosciences (German)
Prior to winter semester 2016/17
Examination regulation Bachelors and Masters Degree in Geosciences (German)
Module Catalogs
Module Catalog Bachelor Degree Programme Geosciences
Module Catalog Master Degree Programme Geosciences
Module Manuals
The module manuals can be found on UnivIS on Education => course list => Faculty of Sciences => Geowissenschaften. Choose the Modulverzeichnis of your course of study and select the individual modules.
Forms – Bachelors
Bachelor’s Thesis Registration (German)
Model Title Page (German)
BAföG-declaration (Study Grant) (German)
Statement of the Supervisor on Disclosure (German)
Form Sheet Opinion (German)
Forms – Master
Master’s Thesis Registration (German)
Model Title Page (German)
Statement of Authorship (German)
BAföG-declaration (Grant) (German)
Statement of the Student on Disclosure (German)
Geoscience as Secondary Subject
Additional course: Geoscience for Teaching (German)
Module description (German)
Flyer (German)
Undergraduates with Major Subject Geography
Module description for Bachelors students (German)
Lectures for Masters students (German)
Undergraduates with Major Subject Biology
Secondary subject: Geosciences with Major in Biology (German)
Module description for Bachelors students (German)
Module description for Masters students Major in Palaeobiology
Undergraduates of other Departments
Secondary subject: Geoscience for Bachelors students of Achaeology (German)
Secondary subject: Geoscience for Bachelors students in Computer Science (German)
Secondary subject: Geoscience for Bachelors students in Mathematics (German)
Module description Geoscience as secondary subject I – 5ECTS (German)
Module description Geoscience as secondary subject II – 10ECTS (German)
Module description Geoscience as secondary subject III – 15ECTS (German)
Module description Geoscience as secondary subject IV – 20ECTS (German)
Advice for fieldtrips (for students) (German)
Application for approval of Academic Achievement Bachelors (German)
Application for admission for foreign applicants (German)
Advice for International Guests and Students
Application for extension (GOP or Length of study time)
Evaluation Concept of the Department of Geosciences (in German)
Evaluation of Doctrine – winter semester 2022/23
Geosciences Evaluation Report (module evaluation) winter semester 2022/23
Evaluation of Doctrine – summer semester 2022
Geosciences Evaluation Report (module evaluation) summer semester 2022
Evaluation of Doctrine – winter semester 2021/22
Geosciences Report Evaluation (module evaluation) winter semester 2021/22
Evaluation of Doctrine – summersemester 2021
The analysed evalutaion sheets can be accessed via the following link:
Geosciences Evaluation Report (module evaluation) summer semester 2021
Evaluation of Doctrine – winter semester 2020/21
Geosciences Evaluation Reprt (module evaluation) winter semester 2020/21
Evaluation of Doctrine – summer semester 2020
Geosciences Evaluation Report (module evaluation) summer semester 2020
Evaluation of Doctrine – winter semester 2019/20
Geosciences Evaluation Report BSc (module evaluation) winter semester 2019/20
Evaluation of Doctrine – summer semester 2018
Geosciences Evaluation Report (module evaluation) summer semester 2018
Evaluation of Doctrine – summer semester 2017
Geosciences Evaluation Report (module evaluation) summer semester 2017
Evaluation of Doctrine – winter semester 2016/17
Geosciences Evaluation Report (module evaluation) winter semester 2016/17