IMETER M20b measuring system
IMETER M20b measuring system
An IMETER M20b measuring system is available at the GeoZentrum for recording and analysing the curing behaviour of cementitious systems under controlled humidity and temperature conditions.

The penetration test method is using a cylindrical needle. The IMETER hardness Hi20 is determined at defined times during the hydration process and thus changes in the consistency of the material are continuously detected.
In addition, this system is an automated Gillmore needle apparatus (according to ASTM C 266), so the times of initial (IHZ) and final hardness (FHZ) can be determined. Therefore, the setting behaviour of different cement slurries can be optimally compared and interpreted with regard to the hydration progress, in particular the hydrate phase formation and the structure build-up.
Please contact the Chair of Applied Mineralogy for further information.