BET – Belsorp Mini X®

The Chair of Mineralogy has a Belsorp Mini X from Microtrac Retsch GmbH at its disposal for surface determination by gas adsorption using the Brunauer-Emmet-Teller method. With this measurement method, the specific surface area of a sample is calculated based on the volume of adsorbed gas molecules (N2) on the available material surface. Both microcracks and pores can be taken into account in the measurement and, as a result, statements can be made about the degree of crystallinity of a mineral or the reactivity of cements. The Belsorp Mini X enables the simultaneous measurement of up to 3 samples from a specific surface area of 0.01 m²/g (N2). Furthermore, by measuring adsorption-desorption isotherms, it is possible to determine the proportion of inner surface area, i.e. pores (70 nm to 0.5 μm), in relation to the total surface area.
Please contact the Chair of Applied Mineralogy for further information.