PD Dr. Manuel Keith
Scientist at the Chair of Endogeneous Geodynamics
Head of junior research group (FAU): Enrichment of critical metals in the Earth’s crust
Tel: +49 (0)9131 85 26064
Fax: +49 (0)9131 85 29295
Research Interests
Critical metals are rare in the Earth’s crust and positive anomalies of these elements only occur in geographically restricted areas. The wide economic application of these elements in electronics and renewable energies gives them a strategic importance. However, supplying these critical and energy critical elements for the green transition is a growing challenge. Hence, it is important to develop new concepts with respect to critical element sourcing, fractionation and precipitation to ultimately define the magmatic-hydrothermal prerequisites that allow an enrichment of these rare commodities in the Earth’s crust.
Many of these metals and metalloids are hosted in hydrothermal sulphides like pyrite either in solid solution due to lattice substitution or as inclusions on the micro- to nano-scale. Little is known about the incorporation mechanisms for many of these elements, however, this information is vital to achieve high recovery rates, and therefore an efficient and sustainable way of mining and processing.
Grants and funding
Hydrothermal Economic Resources in Magmatic EnvironmentS (HERMES) (PI, DFG-ANR)
Continuation request of project – Sources and enrichment processes of metal(loid)s in submarine back-arc hydrothermal systems: A combined Se and multiple S isotope approach (PI, DFG IODP priority programme)
Critical elements for the energy and climate transition – local sustainability and global development of georesources (Co-PI, DKN-DFG)
Action for Research and Teaching Mineral exploration Inclusive School_2 (ARTeMIS_2) (Co-PI, ERASMUS+)
Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits: Economic Co-Ni resources through hydrothermal and metamorphic interaction (PI, FAU)
Multi-scale approach of critical, rare and precious metal enrichment in pyrite from the Pefka Cu-Au-Te-In-Se deposit, Rhodopes, NE Greece (PI, AuScope Access Funding)
Trace element and isotope signatures in porphyry minerals to fingerprint gold ore formation (Co-PI, CSC)
Crystal chemistry of Te in arsenian pyrite: economic and environmental implications (Co-PI, ESRF)
Action for Research and Teaching Mineral exploration Inclusive School (ARTeMIS) (Co-PI, ERASMUS+)
Sources and enrichment processes of metal(loid)s in submarine back-arc hydrothermal systems: A combined Se and multiple S isotope approach (PI, DFG IODP priority programme)
Immiscible sulphide liquids: Insights into chalcophile element fractionation processes in the oceanic crust (PI, DFG IODP priority programme)
Magmatic and hydrothermal prerequisites for porphyry-epithermal mineralisation in continental volcanic arcs, Thrace, NE Greece (PI, DFG DOME priority programme)
Tellurium in natural and synthetic pyrite: Ore-formation and economic implication (PI, DFG individual research grant)
An accessory mineral approach to understanding post-subduction magmatism and mineralisation (Co-PI, NERC UK)
- Abiven, B., Tarantola, A., Richard, A., Keith, M., Melfos, V., Voudouris, P., in revision. Effect of disequilibrium crystallization and dynamic recrystallization on Ti-in-quartz thermometry in porphyry-epithermal deposits: Insights from Pagoni Rachi (NE Greece). Lithos.
- Zhao, Q., Zhai, D., Keith, M., Voudouris, P., Tombros, S., Liu, J., in revision. In situ trace element and sulfur isotope compositions of sulfides fingerprint hydrothermal Te-Bi-Au enrichment: Evidence from the Dashuigou deposit, SW China. Mineralium Deposita.
- Lehmann, W., Regelous, M., Haase, K., Keith, M., Woelki, D., 2025. Geochemistry of the sheeted dyke complex, Troodos Ophiolite (Cyprus): evidence for the magmatic evolution during subduction initiation. Chemical Geology, 681, 122743.
- Lehmann, W., Keith, M., Regelous, M., Klemd, R., Kutzschbach, M., 2025. Chalcophile element fractionation processes in the oceanic crust: Evidence from trace elements in magmatic sulphides. Lithos, 500-501, 107978.
- Zhao, G., Zhai, D., Keith, M., Voudouris, P., Tombros, S., Zang, H., Liu, J., 2025. Sulfur and He-Ar isotopic constraints on the origin of alkalic-type epithermal Au-Ag-Te deposits: Insights from the Golden Sunlight deposit, Montana, USA. Ore Geology Reviews, 176, 106435.
- Hong, J., Zhai, D., Keith, M., Zhao, Q., Liu, J., 2024. Trace Element and In Situ O Isotope Signature of Apatite from the Bilihe Porphyry Au-only Deposit: Magmatic Constraints on Au Mineralization. Journal of Petrology, 65, 1-19.
- Höss, A., Haase, K. M., Keith, M., Klemd, R., Melfos, V., Gerlach, L., Pelloth, F., Falkenberg, J. J., Voudouris, P., Strauss, H., Baker, T., Tarantola, A., 2024. Magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of the Skouries Au-Cu porphyry deposit, northern Greece. Ore Geology Reviews, 173, 106233.
- Falkenberg, J. J., Keith, M., Melfos, V., Hohl, M., Haase, K. M., Voudouris, P., Höss, A., Wenske, J., Klemd, R., Beier, C., Kutzschbach M., Strauss, H., accepted. Insights into fluid evolution and Re enrichment by mineral micro-analysis and fluid inclusion constraints: Evidence from the Maronia Cu-Mo ± Re ± Au porphyry system in NE Greece. Mineralium Deposita, 59, 1407-1431.
- Hong, J., Zhai, D., Keith, M., 2024. Quartz texture and chemical composition fingerprint ore-forming fluid evolution at Bilihe porphyry Au deposit, NE China. American Mineralogist, 109, 1203-1219.
- Kutzschbach, M., Dunkel, F., Kusebauch, C., Schiperski, F., Börner, F., Drake, H., Klimm, K., Keith, M., 2024. Arsenic-poor fluids promote strong As partitioning into pyrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 376, 37-53.
- Falkenberg, J. J., Keith, M., Haase, K. M., Klemd, R., Kutzschbach, M.,Grosche, A., Scicchintano, M. R., Strauss, H., Kim, J., 2024. Pyrite trace element proxies for magmatic volatile influx in submarine subduction-related hydrothermal systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 373, 52-67.
- Grosche, A., Keith, M., Klemd, R., Strauss, H., Rosca, C., König, S., 2024. Temperature-controlled Se-S isotope fractionation during seawater mixing and sulfide precipitation in black smoker chimneys. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 372, 13-27.
- Börner, F., Keith, M., Fougerouse, D., Macauley, C., Felfer, P., Yokosawa, T., Apeleo Zubiri, B., Spiecker, E., 2023. Between defects and inclusions: the fate of tellurium in pyrite. Chemical Geology, 635, 121633.
- Keith, M., Hayes, S. M., Ciobanu, C. L., Fougerouse, D., Reich, M., 2023. Editorial: Micro- to nano-analytical challenges towards trace element characterization of ore minerals: new perspectives and applications for sustainable georesources. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 11, 1227737.
- Grosche, A., Klemd, R., Denkel, K., Keith, M., Haase, K. M., Voudouris, P. C., Alfieris, D., Wiedenbeck, M., 2023. Sources, transport and deposition of metal(loid)s recorded by sulfide and rock geochemistry: Constraints from a vertical profile through the epithermal Profitis Ilias Au prospect, Milos Island, Greece. Mineralium Deposita, 58, 1101-1122.
- Börner, F., Keith, M., Buecker, J. L., Voudouris, P., Klemd, R., Haase, K. M., Kutzschbach, M., Schiperski, F., 2022. In-situ trace element and S isotope systematics in pyrite from three porphyry-epithermal prospects, Limnos Island, Greece. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 916107.
- Keith, M., Haase, K. M., Chivas, A. R., Klemd, R., 2022. Phase separation and fluid mixing revealed by trace elements in pyrite from porphyry systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 329, 185-205.
- Falkenberg, J. J., Keith, M., Hasse, K. M., Sporer, C., Bach, W., Klemd, R., Strauss, H., Storch, B., Peters, C., Rubin, K., Anderson, M., 2022. Spatial variations in magmatic volatile influx and fluid boiling in submarine hydrothermal systems: Insights from sulfide chemistry at Niuatahi caldera, Tonga rear-arc. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, 1-34.
- Voudouris, P., Repstock, A., Spry, P. G., Frenzel, M., Mavrogonatos, C., Keith, M., Tarantola, A., Melfos, V., Tombros, S., Zhai, D., Cook, N. J., Ciobanu, C. L., Schaarschmidt, A., Rieck, B., Kollitsch, U., Falkenberg, J., 2022. Physicochemical constraints on indium-, tin-, germanium-, gallium-, gold- and tellurium-bearing mineralizations in the Pefka and St Philippos polymetallic vein- and breccia deposits: new insights into the critical element potential of Greece. Ore Geology Reviews, 140, 104348.
- Klose, L., Keith, M., Hafermaas, D., Kleint, C., Bach, W., Diehl, A., Wilckens, F., Peters, C., Strauss, H., Klemd, R., van Geldern, R., Haase, K. M., Koschinsky, A., 2021. Trace element and isotope systematics in vent fluids and sulphides from Maka volcano, North Eastern Lau Spreading Centre: Insights into three-component fluid mixing. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 776925.
- Schaarschmidt, A., Haase, K. M., Klemd, R., Keith, M., Voudouris, P. C., Alfieris, D., Strauss, H., Wiedenbeck, M., 2021. Boiling effects on trace element and sulfur isotope compositions of sulfides in shallow-marine hydrothermal systems: Evidence from Milos Island, Greece. Chemical Geology, 583, 120457.
- Börner, F., Keith, M., Smith, D. J., Barry, T. L., Neumann, T., 2021. Fingerprinting fluid evolution by trace elements in epithermal pyrite, Vatukoula deposit, Fiji. Ore Geology Reviews, 137, 104314.
- Falkenberg, J. J., Keith, M., Haase, K. M., Bach, W., Klemd, R., Strauss, H., Yeo, I. A., Rubin, K. H., Anderson, M. O., 2021. Effect of fluid boiling on volatile element and Au enrichment in submarine hydrothermal sulphides, Niua South, Tonga arc. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 307, 105-132.
- Keith, M.,Haase, K. M., Häckel, F., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Klemd, R., Hannington, M., Strauss, H., McConachy, T., Anderson, M., 2021. Trace element fractionation and precipitation in submarine back-arc hydrothermal systems, Nifonea caldera, New Hebrides subduction zone. Ore Geology Reviews, 135, 104211.
- Nestmeyer, M., Keith, M.,Haase, K. M., Klemd, R., Voudouris, P., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Strauss, H., Kati, M., Magganas, A., 2021. Trace element signatures in pyrite and marcasite from shallow marine island arc-related hydrothermal vents, Calypso Vents, New Zealand, and Paleochori Bay, Greece. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 641654.
- Voudouris, P., Kati, M., Magganas, A., Keith, M., Valsami-Jones, E., Haase, K., Klemd, R., Baltazis, E., 2021. Arsenian pyrite and cinnabar from active submarine nearshore vents, Paleochori Bay, Milos Island, Greece. Minerals, 11, 14, 1-25.
- Keith, M., Smith, D. J., Doyle, K., Holwell, D. A., Jenkin, G. R. T., Barry, T. L., Becker, J., Rampe, J., 2020. Pyrite chemistry: A new window into Au and Te ore-forming processes in alkaline epithermal districts, Cripple Creek, Colorado. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 274, 172-191.
- Martin, A. J., Keith, M., Parvaz, D. B., McDonald, I., Boyce, A. J., McFall, K. A., Jenkin, G. R. T., Strauss, H., MacLeado, C. J., 2020. Effects of magmatic volatile influx in mafic VMS hydrothermal systems: Evidence from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. Chemical Geology, 531, 119325.
- Mavrogonatos, C., Voudouris, P., Berndt, J., Klemme, S., Zaccarini, F., Spry, P. G., Melfos, V., Tarantola, A., Keith, M., Klemd, R., Haase, K., 2019. Trace elements in magnetite from the Pagoni Rachi porphyry prospect, NE Greece. Implications for ore genesis and exploration: Minerals, 9 (12), 1-21.
- Martin, A. J., Keith, M., McDonald, I., Haase, K. M., McFall, K. A., Klemd, R., MacLeod, C. J., 2019. Trace element systematics and ore-forming processes in mafic VMS deposits: Evidence from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. Ore Geology Reviews, 106, 205-225.
- Holwell, D. A., Fiorentini, M., McDonald, I., Lu, Y., Giuliani, A., Smith, D. J., Keith, M., Locmelis, M., 2019. A metasomatized lithospheric mantle control on the metallogenic signature of post-subduction magmatism. Nature Communications, 10, 1-10.
- Keith, M., Haase, K. M., Klemd, R., Smith, D. J., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Bach, W., 2018. Constraints on the source of Cu in a submarine magmatic-hydrothermal system, Brothers volcano, Kermadec island arc. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 173: 40, 1-16.
- Keith, M., Smith, D. J., Jenkin, G. R. T., Holwell, D. A., Dye, M. D., 2018. A review of Te and Se systematics in hydrothermal pyrite from precious metal deposits: insights into ore-forming processes. Ore Geology Reviews, 96, 269-282.
- Smith, D. J., Naden, J., Jenkin, G. R. T., Keith M., 2017. Hydrothermal alteration and fluid pH in alkaline-hosted epithermal systems. Ore Geology Reviews, 89, 772-779.
- Keith, M., Haase, K. M., Klemd, R., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Franke, H., 2017. Systematic variations in magmatic sulphide chemistry from mid-ocean ridges, back-arc basins and island arcs. Chemical Geology, 451, 67-77.
- Keith, M., Haase, K. M., Klemd, R., Krumm, S., Strauss, H., 2016. Systematic variations of trace element and sulfur isotope compositions in pyrite with stratigraphic depth in the Skouriotissa volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit, Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. Chemical Geology, 423, 7-18.
- Keith, M., Häckel, F., Haase, K. M., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Klemd, R., 2016. Trace element systematics of pyrite from submarine hydrothermal vents. Ore Geology Reviews, 72, 728-745.
- Regelous, M., Haase, K. M., Freund, S., Keith M., Weinzierl, C. G., Beier, C., Brandl, P. A., Endres, T., Schmidt, H., 2014. Formation of the Troodos Ophiolite at a triple junction: Evidence from trace elements in volcanic glass. Chemical Geology, 386, 66-79.
- Keith, M., Haase, K. M., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Klemd, R., Petersen, S., Bach, W., 2014. Effects of temperature, sulfur, and oxygen fugacity on the composition of sphalerite from submarine hydrothermal vents. Geology, 42, 699-702.
- Freund, S., Haase, K. M., Keith, M., Beier, C., Garbe-Schönberg, D., 2014. Constraints on the formation of geochemically variable plagiogranite intrusions in the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 167, 1-22.