Laboratory equipment
The GZN Laser Ablation Tandem Quadrupole ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS/MS) Facility
~ Mente et Ardore ~
Our laboratory is based around a 193 nm Excimer laser ablation unit (Teledyne Analyte Excite) coupled to a new, and state-of-the-art, 8900 Agilent Triple-Quadrupole ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS/MS). The instrument is used for a broad range of topics including, trace element and isotope analysis, geochronology, and element imaging within the fields of geosciences, materials sciences, metallomics, biomedicine, archeology, and biology.
Laser ablation ICP-MS/MS is an easy, flexible, and powerful technique: analyses are rapid (<1 min), have low (sub-ppm) detection limits, have laser spot sizes as small as 1 micron to as large as 110 microns wide, and provides results with uncertainties generally less than 5%.
Because of the high rate of data acquisition and high spatial resolution, LA-ICP-MS/MS can also be used to make images of elemental concentration of sample surfaces. Some examples of mapping projects are elemental zoning in minerals, identification of the location of metals in biological tissues, or chemical growth zonation of corals.
In simple terms, the laser ablation method uses an ultraviolet laser to ablate, or “drill”, at the sample surface. The particles from ablation are carried by a flow of He gas to the ICP-MS/MS, whereupon the sample particles are atomized, the atoms are then ionized, and the ions are carried through the instrument and measured by the detector. Because most solids can be “drilled” into by an ultraviolet laser, a wide array of sample types can be analyzed: minerals, ceramics, tissue samples, shells, bones, plastics, hydrocarbons, and more.
In the above figure, elements in grey are elements that are routinely measured in many geologically relevant materials at the GZN LA-ICP-MS/MS facility. At the GZN LA-ICP-MS/MS facility, we are also specialized in measuring platinum group elements, S, and Te in sulfides, many of which are outlined in blue in the figure. Other analytical methods to measure blue and yellow group elements may exist or can be developed collaboratively.
For more information on sample preparation and documentation please download the pdf here.
Further information on scheduling your visit, our rates and address
Our lab is open Mon-Fri from 8am to 5pm, but is closed on holidays.
To arrange your visit, please contact Prof. Dr. Barbara Kleine-Marshall (
For questions related to analytical methods, sample preparation, and your visit, please contact our lab manager Dr. Edward Marshall (
Address for visitors
GeoZentrum Nordbayern
Schlossgarten 5
91054 Erlangen
Raum: 0.009
Prof. Dr. Barbara Kleine-Marshall
GeoZentrum Nordbayern
Professor of Geochemistry
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-22699
- Email: