Laboratory equipment
Ultrastructural analysis
The microtomography system by General Electrics/Phoenix (from 2016) is installed in a seperate laboratory building. The µCT provides high resolution cross-sections of a physical objects (3D models) without destroying the original objects. Operated by the Palaeobiology section, the µCT is in use by various disciplines including material sciences, medicine and archaeology. Please contact Christian Schulbert (0049 9131 85 24851, if you want to use the µCT for your own application.
The scanning electron microscop by the company TESCAN from Brno (Brünn) is operated by the Palaeobiology section. Please contact Christian Schulbert (0049 9131 85 24851, if you are interested in using the SEM.
Six diffractometers are available at the GeoZentrum via the research groups in Mineralogy and Endogenous Geodynamics. They allow the following applications:
- Rietveld-supported qualitative and quantitative, temperature-supported phase analysis (G-factor)
- In-situ analysis of crystalline phases
- Microanalysis, textures, (GADDS system)
- Smallest sample quantities, kinematics (D5000 with SOLX detector)
Further information and contact details can be found on the pages of the Chair of Mineralogy and the Endogenous Geodynamics working group.
1H-time-domain nuclearmagnetic resonance (TD NMR) is a very interesting method in the field of cement chemistry due to its ability to differentiate quantitatively between different proton environments. A clear differentiation between solid (e.g. hydrogen in solid crystals), amorphous (e.g. hydrogen in amorphous gels) and liquid states (e.g. hydrogen in water) of proton bearing phases can be achieved with good time resolution during cementitious reactions. A Bruker minispec with temperature controlled probe head is available at the chair for mineralogy. Please find more information on the web pages of the research group of the Chair of Mineralogy.
An IMETER M20b measuring system is available at the Chair of Mineralogy at the GeoZentrum for recording and analysing the curing behaviour of cementitious systems under controlled humidity and temperature conditions. The penetration test method is using a cylindrical needle. The IMETER hardness Hi20 is determined at defined times during the hydration process and thus changes in the consistency of the material are continuously detected. Please find more information on the web pages of the research group of the Chair of Mineralogy.
Heat flow calorimetry enables the investigation of endothermic and exothermic reactions during cement hydration. Three high-performance isothermal 8-channel TAM Air calorimeters are also available for commercial use at the GeoZentrum. With the help of the specially designed InMixEr tools, early reactions can be measured. Further information can be found on the Mineralogy pages.
The microprobe laboratory operated by the Mineralogy group includes a JEOL JXA 8200 SuperProbe with five WDS-spectrometers. Please find more information on the web pages of the research group.
The Chair of Mineralogy provides a BET device (Belsorp Mini X from Microtrac Retsch GmbH) for the surface determination of powder samples using the Brunauer-Emmet-Teller method, as well as a Mastersizers 3000 for the analysis of particle size distribution using laser diffraction technology. Further information and contact details can be found on the Mineralogy working group page.
At the Chair of Applied Mineralogy, a STA 449 F5 Jupiter® from Netzsch is available for thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA, DSC). Thermogravimetric analysis measures the weight of a sample during a temperature treatment, whereas differential thermal analysis (DTA, DSC) measures the enthalpy changes of a sample relative to an inert reference. This allows the analyses of transformation reactions such as phase transitions. Please find more information on the web pages of the research group of the Chair of Mineralogy.
Geochemistry and trace analysis
The laboratory for isotopes provides three mass spectrometers for determining stable isotope abundances for carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in solid samples (carbonates, phosphates, sulphates and organic material).
Contact: apl. Prof. Dr. M. Joachimski
The laboratory for light stable isotopes of the hydrogeology group is specialized in measurements of the liquid phase. It is equipped for measurements of stable isotope ratios of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC), and oxygen and hydrogen of water. A modified Gasbench system allows for the measurement of the oxygen isotope ratio of the dissolved oxygen (O2, DO) in water. Additionally, carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of organic material and compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) of organic pollutants can be carried out. Routine analyses in major ions and trace elements as well as field sampling are also performed. Direct link to the Laboratories of Applied Geology
Analytical capabilities:
- δ2H and δ18O water (Picarro, Gasbench, and TC/EA liquid injection)
- δ13C-DIC and δ13C-DOC (Gasbench and Aurora 1030W)
- δ15N and δ13C-organic (bulk; Costech Elemental Analyzer)
- CSIA δ13C-organic (compound specific; Thermo GC/C III)
- δ18O-solids (TC/EA with zero blank autosampler)
- gaseous CO2 Proben (Dual Inlet and Gasbench)
- δ18O on dissolved oxygen (O2, DO) (via modified Gasbench)
- major ion analyses
- trace elment analyse
- field parameters (pH, eH, O2, alkalinity, temp., conductivity
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The GeoZentrum Nordbayern is equipped with new, purpose built metal-free Class 1000 geochemistry laboratories laboratories, and state-of-the-art magnetic sector and quadrupole mass spectrometers. These instruments are used to measure the isotope composition of elements such as Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf, as well as mass-dependent isotope variations in elements such as Mo and Sr. A quadrupole ICP-MS is used to measure trace element concentrations in geological materials. We undertake work for external users, and are happy to discuss collaborative projects. Please contact Marcel Regelous (09131 8569602, for more information.
Our thermal ionisation mass spectrometer has 9 Faraday detectors and a secondary electron multiplier, and is used for the precise isotope analysis of small (10-100 nanogram) quantities of Sr, Nd and other rare-earth elements. Please contact Marcel Regelous (09131 8569602, for more information.