In the coming summer semester we will host Dr. Rachel Warnock as a guest professor. Rachel is a an expert in phylodynamic modeling and will contribute to the research and teaching at the GeoZentrum for one semester. She is currently in the Computational Evolution group at ETH Zürich. In Erlangen, ...
Including 15 January 2020, female Master‘s students of the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering can apply for the next round of the FAU mentoring programme ARIADNETechNat master. Mentoring starts in April 2020 and lasts 9 months. The programme is designed for female Master’s students w...
How huge he really was is uncertain. The only thing that is certain is that it is the largest bony fish of all time: we are talking about the Leedsichthys problematicus, which lived about 160 million years ago. But how can such fossils, of which only a few fragments have survived, even be analysed? ...
The Open Access journal PeerJ has granted the Award for Open Data Analysis and Publication in Palaeontology to our Masters student in Palaeobiology, Fiona Pye, for her talk "ImageJ and 3D Slicer: Open Source 2/3D Morphometric Software" co-authored by Nussaïbah Raja Shoob, Bryan Shirley, ÁdámT. Kocsis, Niklas Hohmann, Duncan Murdock & Emilia Jarochowska.
Vom 19. bis zum 26. März 2018 besuchten sieben Studenten der FAU unter der Leitung von PD Dr. Christoph Beier und Prof. Dr. Stephan Klemme zusammen mit 14 Studenten der Uni Münster das Azoren Archipel, um dort den Ursachen des Vulkanismus auf den Grund zu gehen.
Bewerbungen für den Master im Fachbereich GeoThermie / GeoEnergie werden jetzt angenommen. Die Anmeldung erfolgt über das Portal campo.
Anmeldeschluss ist der 15. Juli 2018.
Weitere Informationen rund um den Masterstudiengang, sowie die Arbeit und Forschung der Arbeitsgruppe sind auf der Homep...