On Monday, July 13, the second to last performance of "Let them eat money" will take place in the Life-Stream from the Margrave Theatre. It deals with the question "Who is to blame?" for the climate catastrophe. After each stream of the digital production, experts discuss the themes of the play live...
Many people think of paleontology as field research, digging for fossils and Jurassic Park. A large part of the research is computer-aided. Dr. Rachel Warnock is a paleontologist who mainly conducts research on computers. This semester she is a visiting professor at the Chair of Paleo-Environment at...
This year´s summer semester will mostly be held online with the exception of a few seminars and field trips that will be postponed. All information can be found on StudOn or UnivIS.
Lecturers are in the process of converting their lectures in different online-formats if possible.
Exams with ma...
Due to the current situation there are a few changes in the daily procedure of the university.
Updates, informaion and questions related to the studies can be found here.
In the coming summer semester we will host Dr. Rachel Warnock as a guest professor. Rachel is a an expert in phylodynamic modeling and will contribute to the research and teaching at the GeoZentrum for one semester. She is currently in the Computational Evolution group at ETH Zürich. In Erlangen, ...
Including 15 January 2020, female Master‘s students of the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering can apply for the next round of the FAU mentoring programme ARIADNETechNat master. Mentoring starts in April 2020 and lasts 9 months. The programme is designed for female Master’s students w...
Achtung: Terminänderung
Für die Studierenden im 4. / 6. Semester Bachelor Geowissenschaften finden am Mittwoch den 16. Mai 2018 Donnerstag 17. Mai 2018 von 16:30 bis 18:30 Uhr im Hörsaal Geologie die Infoveranstaltungen für die Vertiefungsrichtungen im Bachelorstudium, sowie für das Masterstudium s...
Zur Auffrischung von Mathematik-Kenntnissen aus der Schulzeit für StudienanfängerInnen eines MINT-Studiums wird ein kostenloser Online-Kurs angeboten. Wir empfehlen StudienanfängerInnen und -interessierten die Teilnahme an diesem Kurs:
Bewerbungen für den Master im Fachbereich GeoThermie / GeoEnergie werden jetzt angenommen. Die Anmeldung erfolgt über das Portal campo.
Anmeldeschluss ist der 15. Juli 2018.
Weitere Informationen rund um den Masterstudiengang, sowie die Arbeit und Forschung der Arbeitsgruppe sind auf der Homep...