Pal News

Palaeobiology student Niklas Hohmann connects mathematics and paleontology in unexpected ways. In his contribution for the 1st palaeontologcial virtual congress, he describes how a blurring effect used by Instagram and Photoshop can be used to describe how extinction events are preserved in the fossil record.

Category: Allgemein, GZN News, Outreach, Pal, Pal Master, Pal News

The Geosciences Colloquium “When, where and why life began to walk - A reconnaissance of the Cambrian Explosion and the origin of the Bilateria" took place on Monday, 7th January 2019. ABSTRACT: The Cambrian Radiation Event, or Cambrian Explosion, records the advent of metazoan life and set the ...

Category: GZN News, Pal, Pal News

The Geosciences Colloquium Key innovations in the evolution of feeding: a hierarchical approach by Dr. Emilia Jarochowska, GeoZentrum Nordbayern, will take place on Monday, 19th November 17:00, in the geology lecture hall, Schloßgarten 5, Erlangen.

Category: Allgemein, GZN News, Pal, Pal News

Erlangen paleontologists and TERSANE members were in Coimbra for the 2nd International Workshop on the Toarcian Anoxic Event (2nd IW-TOAE). A total of 4 presentations, including 3 talks and one poster, were presented on the consequences of the TOAE on body size of marine invertebrates as well as its...

Category: Pal, Pal News

The first paper of our PhD student Bryan Shirley has been published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The co-authors are Madleen Grohganz, whose BSc thesis has contributed important data to the paper, Michel Bestmann from the Structural Geology group of the GeoZentrum, and Emilia Jarochowska. T...

Our team presented at the CPEG2018 meeting "Crossing the Palaeontological - Ecological Gap" in Leeds. Vanessa Roden received a prize for her lightning talk "High beta diversity in a Triassic reef basin assemblage". Other presentations included: Carl Reddin "Marine invertebrate responses to temper...

Category: Pal, Pal Master, Pal News