Pal News

Prof. Paul Valdes (University of Bristol) and Prof. Christopher Scotese (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Northwestern University, USA) are visiting Prof. Kiessling in the first week of July. This is an exciting opportunity to meet them individually. As both are invited through TERSAN...

Category: Allgemein, GZN News, Pal, Pal News

Niklas Hohmann, a student from our Master program, published a new statistical tool that allow to correct the effects of changing deposition rates on geological data. These deposition rates determine how much time it takes to form rocks of a given thickness, and can therefore alter our interpretation of paleobiological rates when examining this rock.

Category: Allgemein, GZN News, Pal, Pal Master, Pal News

3rd Workshop and Fieldtrip of IGCP 655 Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: Impact on marine carbon cycle and ecosystems. September 2nd – 5th, 2019, Erlangen (Germany) The IGCP project 655 – Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: Impact on marine carbon cycle and ecosystems (International Geoscience Program su...

Carbonate rocks are unique witnesses of Earth History as they are formed by organisms. From the 11th to the 22nd of March the annual “Flügel Courses” take place in Erlangen. 54 carbonate sedimentologists from 21 nations will train the interpretation of such rocks with our globally unique thin-section collection.

Category: Allgemein, GZN News, Pal, Pal News