
The Open Access journal PeerJ has granted the Award for Open Data Analysis and Publication in Palaeontology to our Masters student in Palaeobiology, Fiona Pye, for her talk "ImageJ and 3D Slicer: Open Source 2/3D Morphometric Software" co-authored by Nussaïbah Raja Shoob, Bryan Shirley, ÁdámT. Kocsis, Niklas Hohmann, Duncan Murdock & Emilia Jarochowska.

On July 3, 5pm, Prof. Christopher Scotese (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Northwestern University, USA) gave a talk "Foundation of Earth System History: Plate tectonics, paleogeography & paleoclimate during the last 1.5 billion years" in Hörsaal Geologie. He is the inventor of t...

Category: Allgemein, GZN News, Outreach, Pal, Pal News

Prof. Paul Valdes (University of Bristol) and Prof. Christopher Scotese (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Northwestern University, USA) are visiting Prof. Kiessling in the first week of July. This is an exciting opportunity to meet them individually. As both are invited through TERSAN...

Category: Allgemein, GZN News, Pal, Pal News