
We are thrilled to welcoming 12 international students in Erlangen. Our 3-week workshop aims to introduce graduate students to a range of analytical methods that are foundational to or at the cutting edge of paleobiological research. Topics, taught by rotating expert instructors, will include probab...

We offer a 2 year postdoc position in Paleontology, at the Friedrich-Alexander University, GeoZentrum Nordbayern. The opening is in the framework of the Paleosynthesis project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. The successful candidate will provide scientific support for international workshop...

Kategorie: GeoZentrumNews, GZN News, Pal, Pal News

The Annual Meeting of The Palaeontological Association 2021 ended again with the Palaeovision Fossil Contest. This is an online, interactive, international competition to decide the Annual Meeting’s favourite fossil for this year. The Paleontology Team (FAU) successfully completed a video about bele...

TERSANE proudly announces its first video release. This is part 1 of 3 videos. Stay tuned for the rest! Part 1 of the mini series on the work of the TERSANE research unit on Temperature related stresses as a unifying principle in ancient extinctions. This video introduces past episodes of catastr...

Kategorie: Das Geozentrum, GeoZentrumNews, GZN News