
Palaeobiology student Niklas Hohmann connects mathematics and paleontology in unexpected ways. In his contribution for the 1st palaeontologcial virtual congress, he describes how a blurring effect used by Instagram and Photoshop can be used to describe how extinction events are preserved in the fossil record.

Category: Allgemein, GZN News, Outreach, Pal, Pal Master, Pal News

The Geosciences Colloquium Key innovations in the evolution of feeding: a hierarchical approach by Dr. Emilia Jarochowska, GeoZentrum Nordbayern, will take place on Monday, 19th November 17:00, in the geology lecture hall, Schloßgarten 5, Erlangen.

Category: Allgemein, GZN News, Pal, Pal News

The complex interactions between geodynamics and climate change that support biodiversity are among the most fascinating aspects of our world. Using oceanic islands as a model system, this talk will explore the fundamental processes that generate and maintain the unique diversity of life on Earth. Inaugural lecture by the new professor for Systems Palaeobiology on Monday 5th November 17:15.

Category: Allgemein, GZN News, Pal

Die Dissertation über großvolumige Felsbewegungen und Sturzprozesse in Norwegen von Dr. Markus Schleier wurde kürzlich mit dem Dissertationspreis 2017 AK Geomorphologie ausgezeichnet . Mit dem Preis werden jährlich bis zu drei herausragende Dissertationen zu geomorphologischen Forschungen gekürt. Di...

Category: Allgemein, Angewandte, GZN News

Montag, 29.01.2018, 17:15, Hörsaal Geologie. Dr.Oskar Bremer, Uppsala University, "Early fishes, old bones". The majority of vertebrates today are represented by those with jaws (gnathostomes) including chondrichthyans (sharks, rays, and ratfishes) and osteichthyans (bony fishes and tetrapods), while jawless vertebrates are only represented by the cyclostomes (hagfishes and lampreys). This division was largely established in the Devonian Period (419–359 mya), often called the “Age of Fishes”, when gnathostomes increased in abundance and diversified to fill a wide variety of trophic roles.

Category: Allgemein, GZN News, Outreach, Pal, Pal News