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Szymczak, S., Joachimski, M., Bräuning, A., Hetzer, T., & Kuhlemann, J. (2012). Are pooled tree ring δ13C and δ18O series reliable climate archives? — A case study of Pinus nigra spp. laricio (Corsica/France). Chemical Geology , 308-309 , 40-49. Vackiner, A.A., Antrett, P., Strozyk, F., Stollhofen, H., Back, S., & Kukla, P. (2012). Reconstructing the Upper Permian sedimentary facies distribution of a tight gas field in Central Europe on the basis of an analog field study in the Panamint Valley, western U.S. Geosphere , 8 (5), 1129-1145. 2011 Buggisch, W., Joachimski, M., Lehnert, O., Bergström, S.M., & Repetski, J.E. (2011). Did intense volcanism trigger the first Late Ordovician icehouse? REPLY. Geology , 39 , 238. Buggisch, W., Wang, X.-D., Alekseev, A.S., & Joachimski, M. (2011). Permo-Carboniferous carbon isotope stratigraphy of sections from China (Yangtze platform), USA (Kansas) and Russia (Moscow Basin and Urals). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 301 , 18-38. 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Oxygen isotope evidence for the formation of silicic Kermadec island arc and Havre-Lau backarc magmas by fractional crystallization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 309 , 348-355. Joachimski, M. (2011). Twentieth century d13C variability in surface water dissolved inorganic carbon recorded by coralline algae in the northern North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. Biogeosciences , 8 (4), 165-174. Schloegl, J., Chirat, R., Baiter, V., Joachimski, M., Hudackova, N., & Quillevere, F. (2011). Aturia from the Miocene Paratethys: an exceptional window on nautilid habitat and lifestyle. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 308 , 330-338. Szymczak, S., Joachimski, M., Bräuning, A., Hetzer, T., & Kuhlemann, J. (2011). Comparison of whole wood and cellulose carbon and oxygen isotope series from Pinus nigra ssp. laricio (Corsica/France). Dendrochronologia , 29 (4), 219-226. Vackiner, A.A., Stollhofen, H., Antrett, P., Back, S., Kukla, P., & Bärle, C. (2011). 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Kastenmeier, P., Di Maio, G., Balassone, G., Boni, M., Joachimski, M., & Mondillo, N. (2010). The source of stone building materials from the Pompeii archaeological area and its surroundings. Periodico Di Mineralogia , 2010 , 39-58. Korte, C., Pande, P., Kalia, P., Kozur, H.W., Joachimski, M., & Oberhaensli, H. (2010). Massive volcanism at the Permian-Triassic boundary and its impact on the isotopic composition of the ocean and atmosphere . Journal of Asian Earth Sciences , 37 , 299-311. Lehnert, O., Maennik, P., Joachimski, M., Calner, M., & Fryda, J. (2010). Paleoclimate perturbations before the early Sheinwoodian Glaciation: A trigger for extinctions during the Ireviken Event. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 296 , 320-331. Nuetzel, A., Joachimski, M., & López Correa, M. (2010). Seasonal climatic fluctuations in the Late Triassic tropics - high-resolution oxygen isotope records from aragonitic bivalve shells (Cassian Formation, Northern Italy) . 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Modeling the carbon and sulfur isotope compositions of marine sediments: climate evolution during the Devonian. Chemical Geology , 246 , 19-38. Buggisch, W., Lehnert, O., & Joachimski, M. (2007). Recognition of the Boda event in the Pin Formation of northern India based on new d13C and conodont data. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica , 46 , 466-470. Joachimski, M. (2007). Century-long record of climate change in the subarctic North Pacific Ocean . Journal of Geophysical Research F: Earth Surface , L07702 , doi:10.1029/2006GL028811. Joachimski, M. (2007). Multistratigraphy of condensed ammonoid beds of the Rappoltstein (Berchtesgaden, Southern Germany): unravelling palaeo-environmental conditions on Hallstatt deep swells during the Reingraben Event (late Lower Carnian) . Facies , 53 , 267-292. Joachimski, M., & Wierzbowski, H. (2007). 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Geochemical evidence for major environmental change at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary mass-extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 240 , 146-160. Joachimski, M. (2006). Nuptial feeding is reflected in tissue nitrogen isotope ratio in female katydids . Functional Ecology , 20 , 656-661. Joachimski, M., & van Geldern, R. (2006). Carbon, oxygen and strontium isotope records of Devonian brachiopod shell calcite. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 240 , 47-67. Kaiser, S., Steuber, T., Becker, R.T., & Joachimski, M. (2006). Geochemical evidence for major environmental change at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in the Carnic Alps and the Rhenish Massif . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 240 , 146-160. 2005 Fürsich, F., Singh, I., Joachimski, M., Krumm, S., Schlirf, M., & Schlirf, S. (2005). 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