Uses (and misuses) of quantitative proxies in sequence-stratigraphy and palaoeclimatology: field gamma-ray spectrometry and element geochemistry logs: Guest talk by Prof. Ondřej Bábek
Prof. Ondřej Bábek of Olomouc University will give a guest talk on Uses (and misuses) of quantitative proxies in sequence-stratigraphy and palaoeclimatology: field gamma-ray spectrometry and element geochemistry logs on Wednesday 27. November at 8:30 AM in the Palaeobiology seminar in Henkestraße 91. Prof. Bábek is an expert in gamma-ray stratigraphy and is currently heading a large project on multiproxy analyses of marine redox conditions, redbeds, and sea-level changes, focusing mostly on the Ordovician and Devonian strata. He is also the organizer of next year’s International Congress of Sedimentology, which will take place in Prague on 23-25 June.
The seminar is open to everyone interested in gamma-ray spectroscopy, sea-level change and in collaboration with Prof. Bábek.